Monday, May 02, 2011
性別 - 女
名字 - 欣然/Aloe
體重 - 5磅4安士 (比哥哥重了1安士)
頭髮 - 很多
食量 - 不錯
養豬者言 (十二)
Labels: 小豬囡
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My heart is filled with joy, my eyes with tears. What delightful chaos! May the Lord continue to bless your family.
Hearing 4, 5 firefighters yelling together, I thought they're watching Canucks' game in the bedroom. Good that I heard them yelling "push" instead of "go".
Praise God~
Praise God~
It really happened! My OB gave me this warning when I had my son, but I doubt that...Can't believe that it happened to our friends. Praise the Lord! What an experience for your family and for us! God bless your family! When can we come for a visit? And let us know if u need help.
Hi Edward, Heard the good news from Auntie this morning. Congrat from me and Phoebe and Sophie. Take care and pray for a speedy recovery of mom.
congratulations for your new arrival!!! that's a really excited and special delivery.
btw, i had been an invisible reader. have always liked to read your posts. we're blessed with a boy and a girl too :)
btw, i had been an invisible reader. have always liked to read your posts. we're blessed with a boy and a girl too :)
oh, what a great news to hear!! congrats!! ^^ so lucky that you can be the first person to have a "touch" of your little girl ar, hehe~ tell elsie to have more rest la, will keep you all in our prayers!! :)
看到你的分享, 有如睇完Discovery Channel。很為你們感恩, 願Elsie 身體盡快恢復, BB健康成長, 作神的好僕人!
恭喜曬!!! ^^ 小豬一定樂透了, 小豬囡好幸福呀, 有個很愛她的哥哥。
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恭喜曬!!! ^^ 小豬一定樂透了, 小豬囡好幸福呀, 有個很愛她的哥哥。
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