Sunday, February 21, 2010
記得當年溫哥華奪得2010奧運會主辦權的消息公佈時,老婆豬興奮得不得了,滿以為有機會現場觀賞田徑、 netball 和高臺跳水等奧運比賽,後來才知道原來奧運也有冬夏之分,而溫哥華舉辦的是冬奧。
到現在,老婆豬對冬奧的各項比賽認識不多,看冰上曲棍球時仍追不上冰球的速度,經常在追問:「個puck呢?」但對冬奧卻熱情投入,每次收到加國選手奪標的消息,都會跟小豬B一起叫喊:「Go, Canada, Go!」
昨晚有機會參加一個冬奧Victory Party,適逢有加人奪金,老婆豬的心情可想而知。
「... 都靈就是上屆奧運的主辦城市。」
「噢... 因為今次是在溫哥華舉行嘛,絕對有助增加我的興趣!」
坐在場館中,感受著滿溢的熱情,想起多年來在這城市裡生活的片段,在這裡升學、工作、結婚、生子、許多許多的朋友;一些努力過、激憤過、快樂過的事情... 溫哥華,確是個親切的好地方呢。
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haha, same here. I thought I could watch netball, swimming etc in here Vancouver!!! Do you think eventually China will host Winter Olympics and Vancouver will host Summer Olympics?? hahha
So, Lo Pao Chu is not the only one... haha :D
I can't see why, since Vancouver is getting warmer and warmer... It almost feels like a "Spring" Olympics now.
I can't see why, since Vancouver is getting warmer and warmer... It almost feels like a "Spring" Olympics now.
it's so true. Vancouver is wonderful place; it's even more precious when you're away from this place.
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