Thursday, November 29, 2007

豬爸爸滿以為功成身退,卻驚聞愛子的呼喊聲!抬頭一看,看見一個聲淚俱下的小可憐在露台揮手,並且煽情地叫著:「Daddy,我好驚呀!><* ~~~ 」
今天,小豬B第一天上西門菲沙大學... 的日托中心。
按我原先的估計,小豬B一定會比我強。但當我跟小豬B kiss goodbye 後,緩緩步出大門時,他忽然大叫:「ba ba pao pao! ~~」老師示意我繼續保持微笑,慢慢離開。
小豬B果然比我強! ^^b
Labels: 小豬B, 教養成長, 美麗往事, 養豬大家庭
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haha, that's what I've been saying.小豬B is normally very calm & well behaved.... except in front of his parents ;) But I'm glad that he seems to like this new daycare. Oh, just can't believe he's going to school already...
Green comes from Blue; better than Blue... is it the right translation? Don't know why, I have observed that babies in a colder countries seems to be more calm, like Vancouver and Germany... or perhaps because from a Christian family? They are so well behaved since baby time!
I believe your son will be a hero (偉人) like Martin Luther :)
I believe your son will be a hero (偉人) like Martin Luther :)
小豬B說:「Thank you!」
I think so too ^^
Vivian K,
Yap. Going to daycare is actually good for little guys like Athan. They can learn so many things (eg. socialization, feed oneself) there ^^
O yes, he is a well behaved kid... except in front of his parents... ><
i dear person :)(: 創見人,
Really? So there is some kind of co-relation between being smart and cold weather ^^
O, you know what, the in-charge person of the daycare is a German!!
hkgm - 盈盈 (yingying) ,
Thank you. We are getting much better la!
Solar Flash,
不怕生...你是想說不怕羞吧 ;)
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小豬B說:「Thank you!」
I think so too ^^
Vivian K,
Yap. Going to daycare is actually good for little guys like Athan. They can learn so many things (eg. socialization, feed oneself) there ^^
O yes, he is a well behaved kid... except in front of his parents... ><
i dear person :)(: 創見人,
Really? So there is some kind of co-relation between being smart and cold weather ^^
O, you know what, the in-charge person of the daycare is a German!!
hkgm - 盈盈 (yingying) ,
Thank you. We are getting much better la!
Solar Flash,
不怕生...你是想說不怕羞吧 ;)
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